eSalary · eTax
Integrated payroll and tax solution,to make IIT deduction and declaration easy from now on!
  • Reduce repetitive
    The system intelligently identifies the individual income tax deduction materials submitted by employees themselves
  • Easy calculation
    You only need to upload monthly salary excel, the system automatically match deduction items and calculate the IIT.
  • Legal compliance
    to avoid risks
    Personal identification verification, biometric identification and electronic signature ensure the operation of employees is authentic, thus avoid legal risks.
One stop solution to face the challenges of new IIT reform
  • Employee self service
  • Easy operation
  • Automatic calculation
  • Policy synchronization
  • Easy and efficient
  • 1. Establish employee tax files
    One click in web side to import employee list; employees can easily set up personal tax files via micro app in Wechat.
  • 2. Employee information submission
    Intelligent identification verification, biological authentication, electronic signature ensure that the operation is done by the employee self and is authentic and valid.
  • 3. IIT deduction declaration
    Employees select deduction items via micro app, and the system intelligently identifies the submitted materials (invoices, etc.).
  • 4. Tax calculation
    HR uploads salary excel in web side; the system automatically calculates the tax payable and net income according to "cumulative pre-deduction calculation method”.
eSalary - HR online salary management
  • One click to release pay slips

    eSalary can release a thousand pay slips within 2 min by just one click.
  • Free payment service

    0 cost for inter-bank transactions for payment.
  • A salary analysis report worth 6000RMB for free

    360 salary analysis report makes your boss and HR happy.
eMi - Flexible Benefits Services
Provide flexible benefits that can be chosen by employees to improve employee satisfaction

  • Customized credit scenarios

    Set up of credit system, credit management and exchange
  • Multi-channel benefits platform

    Flexible new choices from multi-channel benefits platforms
  • Activate employee productivity

    Work is more motivating, all-round activation of staff productivity!
Register by your mobile phone number now
Let's get started and start working effectively
